Beginner Guides

Guide to Pod Vapes

Nowadays, pod vapes have become very popular since they are easy to operate, refillable, less costly than disposable vapes, and contain distinct designs. But if you are new to them, here is our beginner’s guide to help you understand them better.
Pod Vapes: What They Are and How They Operate
Traditional vape mods usually have separate vape tanks but as for pod vapes, everything is housed inside the same unit including the atomizer, battery, juice, and more. The built-in mouthpiece is one that acts as your tank, where you can refill any vape juice.
When it comes to using them, pod vapes operate …

Beginner’s Guide to Weed Vapes

The invention of the first commercial weed vape was in 1993 by Eagle Bill. For numerous years, weed vape has undergone many enhancements to date. But what is weed vaping?
Weed Vaping
Weed/cannabis vaping goes way back to the 11th century when most communities used it to amp up before battling their enemies. From this time to the late 20th century, people ate or smoked weed. It is only during the early 1990s that tobacco-based joints, pipes, and bongs were introduced.
When using these devices, weed is burnt inside them and then users inhale all the smoke and noxious chemicals, …

Beginner’s Guide to Vape Mods

In case using vape mods is overwhelming, then here is everything you need to know about them.
Vape Mods
A vape mod usually consists of a chipset, a battery, and wires, which are all kept inside a boxy unit. It normally operates using a silicon chipset to control settings and power with some types consisting of display and UX to control various settings.
How Vape Mods Operate
A vape mod works by drawing power from the battery and then feeding it to the tank’s atomizer, where heating occurs to vaporize the vape juice, thus forming vapor. Moreover, with features like variable…